November 2024. We now have six performances scheduled for 2025 – see Forthcoming Events page.
May 2024. Murder At The School Reunion is now live with two performances already and several others under discussion.
Our new play Murder at the School Reunion is written, rehearsals are well advanced, and will be taken on the road in 2024.
Our performance on Friday 21st April 2023 marked the 50th public performance given by Goring Region Occasional Players since September 2006. It is fitting that this was for 4SIGHT, a charity with which we have had a long association and have supported now on seven occasions over the years.
January 2023. As can be seen from the Forthcoming Events page, prepandemic activity levels are returning, which is good news all round. We are also well advanced in writing a new script, our 5th such play.
April 2022. Following a two year furlough due to the pandemic, the Goring Region Occasional Players have resumed performing ‘Murder: A Fete worse than Death’, most recently in support of Macmillan Cancer Research. Please see the Forthcoming Events page for future activities.
January 2022. We are pleased to welcome Sam Merrick to the group. Sam joins with considerable stage experience and we look forward to working with her in the future. Already for 2022 we have two events confirmed, with hopefully a further two coming to fruition later in the year. See our Forthcoming Events page.
August 2021. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing last week of our dear friend and fellow actor Linda Walder.
Although Linda only joined the Goring Region Occasional Players in 2017, she quickly became an integral member of the cast, brought a unique portrayal to the characters she played, and generally enriched the group with her considerable experience. Linda was great fun to work and socialise with, and will be hugely missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts are with her husband Tim.
Covid-19 update. We are taking provisional bookings for 2022, so if you are planning to re-establish a programme of fundraising activities and wish to include a Murder Mystery evening, do please get in touch via the contact page.
Following the critically acclaimed “Murder at the Health Club”, “Murder at the Village Hall”, and “Murder In The Music”, the Goring Region Occasional Players are proud to announce the launch of a new play entitled “Murder; A Fete Worse Than Death”.
This year the St Cleve village fete is being held in the grounds of the Manor House. But as the stall holders assemble, it’s not just the weather that looks threatening. An investigation by the Charity Commission, a case of blackmail, and bitter rivalry in the local vegetable growing community, all contribute to a halt in proceedings just before lunch when a body is discovered floating in a pond at the walled garden. Is this merely a failed swimming attempt, or a sinister case of…..MURDER?
For bookings please go to the contact page.